TB Test
Hawai`i State Law also requires all students to be “cleared” for Tuberculosis (TB). TB is a highly contagious disease, so the University needs to make sure that you do not have TB. Your TB test must be done in the United States or in a U.S. territory (such as Guam and American Samoa) to be accepted, although sometimes a TB test done outside the United States is acceptable.
All international students (except those who may have had a TB test done in the U.S. in the last two years) must get cleared for TB test before attending classes. Our Student Medical Services will give you the test on campus; the cost is $13. We will take you to the Student Medical Services office on campus during the new international student orientation. Some of you might also be required to get a chest x-ray. If the Student Medical Services staff tells you that you must get a chest x-ray, we will take you to a clinic off-campus to get the x-ray during orientation week. Be aware that there might be a cost for the x-ray (typically $75 or more). The TB test must be completed before the first day of classes or you will not be allowed to attend class.