Cheating sometimes results from international students’ experiences in their home countries of living and working in groups. As a general rule, students can share class notes and ideas. However, there are situations where this sharing is not appropriate. This can be on a test, but also when a professor states, for example, that all work on a project must be done individually. This means that even sharing ideas or talking about the topic with others is not allowed. Doing so could lead to charges of cheating.
Plagiarism is another form of academic misconduct or cheating. Plagiarism is using words from a book, the internet or other sources without citing the source. Sometimes international students have a hard time overcoming their methods of learning. For example, students from countries where memorization is emphasized may find themselves continuing this behavior in the U.S. Plagiarizing or cheating can result in getting a failing grade for course or suspension or even dismissal from the University.
To avoid being accused of cheating or plagiarism, make sure you understand how to quote or cite another person’s words or ideas. Your professors, the Library staff, and the International Student Services staff can help you with this.